Hello again everyone!
Coming up this Valentines Day, Feb. 14th
Music with Suzi Stern and George Oldziey
At the very romantic and colorful Chez Zee!
Music starts at 6:00
5406 Balcones Drive
Austin, TX 78731-4906
(512) 454-2666 for more info. and reservations
Bus: 5765 Balcones
Get directions
If you care to read on, some things coming up in March to look out for: I'll fill in the fine details soon!
Friday March 11th I will be singing for a Hospice Benefit with Paul Unger, George Oldziey and Rob Kazenel.This will be an intimate concert, in a beautiful space that will hopefully raise money for a wonderful cause. I'll let you know exact details when we firm things up!
On March 12th I will be teaching a vocal clinic in Houston Texas connected with the TSU Jazz Festival and I will be the featured vocalist with the TSU Jazz Festival Big Band. Time and location details coming soon...
Sat. March 12th in the evening after the Festival I am very much looking forward to performing at Cezannes in Houston (on Montrose Ave.)
with: George Oldziey piano, Paul Unger Bass and Rob Kazenel drums
Hope to see you on Valentines Day! Stay warm! Can you believe that it snowed in Austin?!